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Interceding & Standing in the Gap for Others

I have always felt called to prayer, but never in my life have I felt so called to intercede or stand in the gap for my family, city, state and nation. I'm sure you have felt like I do; I watch the news for five minutes and get a flavor for all that is going on in our world and it gets really heavy at times. I have found the way to stay in faith, to stay encouraged and to be a part of the solution is through prayer.

You may be asking, what does it mean to intercede? It means to intervene on behalf of another and according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, “To intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences.”

When I think of Jesus interceding for us, I imagine Him as the bridge between our human frailty and God the Father, His perfect goodness, and his plan for our lives. Just like Jesus made a way for us to have eternal life, He also bridged the gap and made a way for us to have a personal relationship with God the Father. And He stands before the Father day and night interceding on behalf of all the saints. When the accuser of the brethren, the enemy comes before the Father to condemn us, Jesus stands there to let the Father know we have been forgiven and cleansed in His blood. Romans 8:34 says, “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died-more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”

It is so reassuring to know you have someone on your side, interceding and intervening on your behalf. Even as Jesus intercedes for us, I believe He is calling us to intercede and stand in the gap for others - our family, friends, city, state and our nation. You may ask, how do you intercede and stand in the gap for your loved ones or nation? I believe it is taking the burdens He has placed on your heart, the needs you are made of aware of and going before the Father and crying out for His grace and mercy for those in need. It can seem overwhelming at times, but as you bring those things into the light of His presence, you will begin to feel and know peace like you have never experienced before. I believe He hears our cries and our prayers and He will answer them from on high. I want to encourage you this month as you pray and intercede for those in your life, your family, your schools, your church, and your country, even when you don't know fully how to pray, you can pray the perfect prayer, “Thy will be done, thy kingdom come.” Jesus is interceding before the Father for me and you and as we intercede for others, we will begin to see positive changes and the breakthrough we have yearned for; I believe we will see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. And that will be sweet relief indeed!

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